
In this section we describe some of the hub classes that are part of the mpi-sppy release. Many of these hubs have hooks for extension and modification provided in the form of Extensions. Many of the algorithms can be run in stand-alone mode (not as a hub with spokes), which is briefly described in Drivers. Most hubs have an internal convergence metric, but the threshold option (--intra-hub-conv-thresh on the command line, intra_hub_conv_thresh in a Config object) is often set to a negative number so internal convergence is ignored in favor of the threshhold on the gap between upper and lower bounds as computed by the spokes (rel_gap and abs_gap in Config object). Most hubs can be terminated based on an iteration limit (max_iterations in a Config object), or a time limit in seconds (time_limit in a Config object).

An additional gap-based termination option is supported by Config and max_stalled_iters (--max-stalled-iters on the command line) that specifies how many iterations can pass without an improvement to the gap between upper and lower bounds.


The PH implementation can be used with most spokes because it can supply x and/or W values at every iteration and numerous extensions are in the release. It supports a full set of extension callout points.

Linearize proximal terms

The proximal term can be approximated linearly using the PHoption linearize_proximal_terms (which is included as --linearize-proximal-terms). If this option is specified, then the option proximal_linearization_tolerance (which is --proximal-linearization-tolerance on the command line) is a parameter. A cut will be added if the proximal term approximation is looser than this value (default 1e-1).

If only the binary terms should be approximated, the option linearize_binary_proximal_terms can be used.


The L-shaped algorithm decomposes by stage and the current implementation is for two-stage problems only.


The cross scenario hub supports only two-stage problems at this time.


The implementation of Asynchronous Projective Hedging is described in a forthcoming paper.

Hub Convergers

Execution of mpi-sppy programs can be terminated based on a variety of criteria. The simplest is hub iteration count and the most common is probably relative gap between upper and lower bounds. It is also possible to terminate based on convergence within the hub; furthermore, convergence metrics within the hub can be helpful for tuning algorithms.

The scenario decomposition methods (PH and APH) allow for optional metrics to be used as plug-ins. A pattern that can be followed is shown in the farmer example. The file has:

from mpisppy.convergers.norm_rho_converger import NormRhoConverger

and optionally passes NormRhoConverger to the hub constructor. Note that you can observe the behavior of the hub converger using the option --with-display-convergence-detail.

Unfortunately, the word “converger” is also used to describe spokes that return bounds for the purpose of measuring overall convergence (as opposed to convergence within the hub algorithm.) This word is used fairly deep in the code to distinguish spokes that return bounds.