
For simple problems that do not need extra specification, provides several drivers to solve a problem without writing a program that creates the cylinders one by one. amalgamator.from_module enables a high-level user to create a hub-and-spoke architecture using the command line, with only a few lines of code.

The Amalgamator class

The Amalgamator class basically wraps up the creation and run of a simple hub-and-spokes architecture. It creates hub and spokes dictionaries using vanilla, calls sputils.spin_the_wheel and finally writes the solution to a file or a directory.

It takes as inputs scenario names, a scenario creator, options and a kw_creator function. kw_creator must be a function specific to your problem, taking the amalgamator options as an input, and giving as an output additional arguments for the scenario_creator. The amalgamator class is not flexible with respect to function names in the module.

The cfg argument is a Config class object that specifies information about the problem, and dictates the way Amalgamator runs. It must contains the following attributes for use with cylinders:

  • A boolean 2stage or mstage equal to True, indicating a 2-stage or a multistage problem.

  • A list cylinders, containing the names of the desired hub and spokes.

  • A list extensions, containing the names of the desired extensions.

  • (optional) A dictionary write_solution with 2 attributes, first_stage_solution (resp. tree_solution) with a .csv file name to write the first stage solution (resp. a directory to write the tree full solution)

  • (optional) Various options, e.g. to control the cylinders creation or the extensions, or options used to construct scenario_creator additional arguments


Amalgamator does not work with everything. It only supports the cylinders and extensions that have a dedicated method in

Create Amalgamator from a module and command line ————————————————- Given an options Config object (typically called cfg) as above, amalgamator.Amalgamator_parser creates calls the appropriate functions to add the necessary information for different modules.

The method amalgamator.from_module uses the two utilities described above. It takes as input a module name, and calls amalgamator.Amalgamator_parser to get cylinder options and the number of scenarios from the command line. Then, it computes the scenario names, and finally creates and runs an Amalgamator object.


The module must contains several methods: scenario_creator, scenario_names_creator, inparser_adder and kw_creator. The files, contain examples of these functions.

The full options dictionary is passed through to kw_creator so keyword arguments for scenario creation can be placed in the almalgamator options dictionary.

Notes about inparser_adder

The function adds config arguments unique to the instance. Note that –branching-factors can be added even if something else added it, because the config.add functions bypass duplicates.

Amalgamator with EF

It is possible to use to solve a problem by solving directly its extensive form (see the section EF Directly). The options must then include an attribute EF-2stage or EF-mstage set equal to True. It uses the sputils.create_EF method.


As intended, the examples of use of Amalgamator are quite short. The first example,, solves directly the EF. The model can be specified, e.g. by taking an integer version of it. This specification can be made via the command line, thanks to the inparser_adder method of

Another example uses amalgamator, this time to create a hub-and-spokes architecture. creates a hub and 2 spokes. A notable feature of this example is the use of the fixer extension. This extension needs a function “id_fix_list_fct” as a parameter. However, a function cannot be passed via the command line. “id_fix_list_fct” must thus be an attribute of the options of amalgamator.from_module.

Finally, it is possible to use Amalgamator without calling amalgamator.from_module. The example aircond_ama starts by fetching informations from the command line via amalgamator.Aamgomator_parser, and then modifies the options to get an appropriate number of scenarios before creating an Amalgamator object.