Programmatic Access to Solutions

The mechanisms for outputting and accessing solutions depends on how the solutions were obtained. We will describe some of the possibilities for programmatic access to the solutions here.


If you are not using a WheelSpinner object, but rather creating an EF object directly using mpisppy.sputils.create_EF, you can use the function mpisppy.sputils.ef_scenarios to loop over the scenario models after solution. The function takes one arugment, which is the EF object.

For example, suppose you have such an extensive form (EF) object, ef, then you can access the Pyomo model for every scenario using something like:

for sname, smodel in sputils.ef_scenarios(ef):

One can access the variables in the Pyomo model smodel inside the loop.


While it is fairly straightforward to call a function to write solutions found by WheelSpinner (see the Output Solutions section), accessing the variables programmatically is more complicated because, in general, the scenarios are not all on the same MPI rank and not all ranks have access to the final version of the scenarios that they do have. If you are not experienced writing programs that use MPI (and even if you are), you might want to use a solution writer (see the Output Solutions section). To get behavior from the solution writers that is customized for your application, you should supply your own scenario_tree_solution_writer function as an argument to the write_tree_solution function. See for one example. The main thing is the the custom function is passed scenarios populated with the best upper bound solution regardless of which cylinder found it.