In this section we provide some notes concerning the code intended to help developers or maintainers get started.
An important internal structure is nonant_vardata_list
, which contains references to the Pyomo vardata objects
for the nonanticipative variables. For indexed Vars, there is one entry for each index. This list enables querying or
setting the values of the nonanticipative variables in an abstract way.
One way or the other, the scenario creator function
needs to attached to each scenario model a list of objects for non-leaf scenario tree nodes (the list will have only one member for two-stage problems)
called ``_mpisppy_node_list`.
Each node object contains the nonant_vardata_list
for the scenario at that scenario tree node. The list indexes are not meaningful, but the
lists are assumed to be in the same order for every scenario at the tree node.
Some uses
A simple use is found in
def first_stage_nonant_npy_serializer(file_name, scenario, bundling):
# write just the nonants for ROOT in an npy file (e.g. for Conf Int)
root = scenario._mpisppy_node_list[0]
assert == "ROOT"
root_nonants = np.fromiter((pyo.value(var) for var in root.nonant_vardata_list), float), root_nonants)
Another simple use can be found function fix_nonants_upto_stage
function in
Standard Construction
If you are going to use the vardatalist
you don’t really need to know how it is constructed, but
we will illustrate one common way here.
Many modelers/users have a call to attach_root_node
in their scenario creator function (e.g., see the scenario scenario
creator in the farmer example), which is a utility
for two-stage problems only. Here is the function signature:
def attach_root_node(model, firstobj, varlist, nonant_ef_suppl_list=None):
inside the function, there is this call
model._mpisppy_node_list = [
scenario_tree.ScenarioNode("ROOT", 1.0, 1, firstobj, varlist, model,
nonant_ef_suppl_list = nonant_ef_suppl_list)
that attaches a node list with one ROOT node to the model object of the scenario. The ScenarioNode
creates the nonant_vardata_list
with this call
self.nonant_vardata_list = build_vardatalist(self,
where build_vardatalist
function converts strings to vardata objects and expands indexed Vars.
The nonant_ef_suppl_list
supplied (optionally) to the ScenarioNode
sets up a nonant var data list for Vars whose nonanticipativity is enforced only in extensive
forms (which includes bundles). This can be useful for supplemental variables whose values
are implied by other nonanticipative variables (e.g. indicator variables).
The nonant_indices
dictionary has the same information as the nonant_vardata_list
but in a slightly more convenient format, so it is used
more often in classes derived from SPBase
. It is attached by a function in
(so self refers to SPBase
def _attach_nonant_indices(self):
for (sname, scenario) in self.local_scenarios.items():
_nonant_indices = dict()
nlens = scenario._mpisppy_data.nlens
for node in scenario._mpisppy_node_list:
ndn =
for i in range(nlens[ndn]):
_nonant_indices[ndn,i] = node.nonant_vardata_list[i]
scenario._mpisppy_data.nonant_indices = _nonant_indices
self.nonant_length = len(_nonant_indices)
Note that the dictionary is indexed by a pair that is node name and the index into vardata_list
and these
indexes are used in various places, such as xbar.
applications examples
A direct example is in _fix_nonants_at_value
Here is a more subtle snippet from
that takes advantage of the fact that many other structures use the same indexes. The
only direct use of nonant_indices
in this snippet is the reference to nonant._value to get the variable’s current value. As an aside, we note that
the use of direct reference to the “protected” _value element in a Pyomo var data object is common in mpi-sppy
for k,s in self.local_scenarios.items():
for ndn_i, nonant in s._mpisppy_data.nonant_indices.items():
xdiff = nonant._value \
- s._mpisppy_model.xbars[ndn_i]._value
s._mpisppy_model.W[ndn_i]._value += pyo.value(s._mpisppy_model.rho[ndn_i]) * xdiff
if verbose and self.cylinder_rank == 0:
varid mapping
There is a mapping from the vardata object’s varid back to the (node name, i) pair that is the key
in the nonant_indidices
When used carefully, this map allows other programs to quickly communicate about nonanticipative Vars.
The mapping is created by this funcion in
def _attach_varid_to_nonant_index(self):
""" Create a map from the id of nonant variables to their Pyomo index.
for (sname, scenario) in self.local_scenarios.items():
# In order to support rho setting, create a map
# from the id of vardata object back its _nonant_index.
scenario._mpisppy_data.varid_to_nonant_index =\
{id(var): ndn_i for ndn_i, var in scenario._mpisppy_data.nonant_indices.items()}