MMW confidence interval:

If we want to assess the quality of a given candidate solution xhat_one (a first stage solution), we could try and evaluate the optimality gap, i.e. the gap between the value of the objective function at xhat_one and the value of the solution to the problem. The class MMWConfidenceIntervals computes an estimator of the optimality gap as described in [mmw1999] (Section 3.2) and an asymptotic confidence interval for this gap.

We will document two steps in the process : finding a candidate solution xhat_one, and evaluating it.

Sequential sampling is also supported; see Sequential sampling


At the time of this writing, the confidence interval software assumes that the scenarios are presented in random order (i.e., they are not ordered by scenario number).

Finding a candidate solution

Computing this confidence interval means that we need to find a solution to an approximate problem, and evaluate how good a solution to this approximate problem xhat_one is. In order to use MMW, xhat_one must be written using one of two functions ef_ROOT_nonants_npy_serializer or write_spin_the_wheel_first_stage_solution with an npy serializer argument. These functions write xhat for the root node of the scenario tree to a file and can be read using read_xhat. When using a cylinders driver, the function sputils.first_stage_nonant_npy_serializer can be given as the first_stage_solution_writer argument to the function sputils.write_spin_the_wheel_first_stage_solution. See the and examples. The file also shows an example.

Evaluating a candidate solution

To evaluate a candidate solution with some scenarios, one might create a Xhat_Eval object and call its evaluate method (resp. evaluate_one for a single scenario). It takes as an argument xhats, a dictionary of non-anticipative policies for all non-leaf nodes of a scenario tree. While for a 2-stage problem, xhats is just the candidate solution xhat_one, for multistage problem the dictionary can be computed using the function walking_tree_xhats (resp. feasible_solution).

Computing a confidence interval

The first step in computing a confidence interval is creating a MMWConfidenceIntervals object that takes as an argument an xhat_one and options. This object has a run method that returns a gap estimator and a confidence interval on the gap.


There are example scripts for sequential sampling in both farmer and aircond.

Using stand-alone

(The stand-alone module is currently for use with 2-stage problem only; for multi-stage problems, instantiate an MMWConfidenceIntervals object directly)

mmw_conf uses the MMWConfidenceIntervals class from mmw_ci in order to construct a confidence interval on the optimality gap of a particular candidate solution xhat of a model instance.

To use the stand-alone program a model compatible with Amalgamator and .npy file with a candidate solution to an instance of the model are required.

First, ensure that the model to be used is compatible with the Amalgamator class. This requires the model to have each of the following: a scenario_names_creator, a scenario_creator, an inparser_adder, and a kw_creator. See in examples for an example of an acceptable model. Note: the options dictionary passed to kw_creator will have the command line arguments object in args, which is not required (or used) by amalgamator but is used by confidence interval codes to be able to pass problem-specific args down without knowing what they are.

Once a model satisfies the requirement for amalgamator, next a .npy file should be constructed from the given model. This can be accomplished, for example, by adding the line sputils.ef_ROOT_nonants_npy_serializer(instance, 'xhat.npy') after solving the ef instance. When using Amalgamator to solve the program, this can be done by adding the line sputils.ef_ROOT_nonants_npy_serializer(ama_object.ef, "xhat.npy") to your existing program (see the example in for an example of this).

Once this is accomplished, on the command line, run python -m mpisppy.confidence_intervals.mmw_conf xhat.npy gurobi --num-scens n --alpha 0.95. Note that xhat.npy is assumed to be in the same directory as in this case. If the file is saved elsewhere then the corresponding path should be called on the command line.

Additional solver options can be specified with the --solver-options option.

This program will output a confidence interval on the gap between the solution to the EF and the optimal solution. There is an additional option, --with-objective-gap, which will computes a confidence interval around the solution of the stochastic program. Since the exact value of the objective function cannot be determined, we use the realizations of the objective function at the candidate solution to construct an additional confidence interval about the mean of the realizations computed.