The program provides a starting point for creating a customized program for processing a model or perhaps it will be all that is needed for a particular model. Not all mpi-sppy features are implemented in this program, but enough are to provide examples and to get started. A bash script to illustrate its use is examples.generic_cylinders.bash.

For a new model, you will need to create a python file that will be refered to as the module and/or the model file. The file must contain a scenario_creator function and Helper functions in the model file. The file name is given without the the .py extension as the --module-name on the command and it should be the first argument. It is needed even with the --help argument, e.g.,

python ../mpisppy/ --module-name farmer/farmer --help


If you want to run cylinders, you need to use mpiexec; however, if you are solving the EF directly, you do not need mpiexec.


This functionality is at the level of alpha-release.

Pickled Scenarios

The generic_cylinders program supports pickling and unpickling scenarios. When pickling, all ranks are used for pickling, no other processing is done and command line arguments other than pickle-scenarios-dir are ignored.


When unpickling, num_scens might be needed on cfg so num-scens is probably needed on the command line. Consistency with the files in the pickle directory might not be checked by the program.