Source code for mpisppy.phbase

# Copyright 2020 by B. Knueven, D. Mildebrath, C. Muir, J-P Watson, and D.L. Woodruff
# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
import time
import logging

import numpy as np
import mpisppy.MPI as MPI

import pyomo.environ as pyo

import mpisppy.utils.sputils as sputils
import mpisppy.utils.listener_util.listener_util as listener_util
import mpisppy.spopt

from mpisppy.utils.prox_approx import ProxApproxManager
from mpisppy import global_toc

# decorator snarfed from stack overflow - allows per-rank profile output file generation.
[docs] def profile(filename=None, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD): pass
logger = logging.getLogger('PHBase') logger.setLevel(logging.WARN) #====================== def _Compute_Xbar(opt, verbose=False): """ Gather xbar and x squared bar for each node in the list and distribute the values back to the scenarios. Args: opt (phbase or xhat_eval object): object with the local scenarios verbose (boolean): If True, prints verbose output. """ """ Note: Each scenario knows its own probability and its nodes. Note: The scenario only "sends a reduce" to its own node's comms so even though the rank is a member of many comms, the scenario won't contribute to the wrong node. Note: As of March 2019, we concatenate xbar and xsqbar into one long vector to make it easier to use the current asynch code. """ nodenames = [] # to transmit to comms local_concats = {} # keys are tree node names global_concats = {} # values are concat of xbar and xsqbar # we need to accumulate all local contributions before the reduce for k,s in opt.local_scenarios.items(): nlens = s._mpisppy_data.nlens for node in s._mpisppy_node_list: if not in nodenames: ndn = nodenames.append(ndn) mylen = 2*nlens[ndn] local_concats[ndn] = np.zeros(mylen, dtype='d') global_concats[ndn] = np.zeros(mylen, dtype='d') # compute the local xbar and sqbar (put the sq in the 2nd 1/2 of concat) for k,s in opt.local_scenarios.items(): nlens = s._mpisppy_data.nlens for node in s._mpisppy_node_list: ndn = nlen = nlens[ndn] xbars = local_concats[ndn][:nlen] xsqbars = local_concats[ndn][nlen:] nonants_array = np.fromiter((v._value for v in node.nonant_vardata_list), dtype='d', count=nlen) probs = s._mpisppy_data.prob_coeff[ndn] * np.ones(nlen) xbars += probs * nonants_array xsqbars += probs * nonants_array**2 # compute node xbar values(reduction) for nodename in nodenames: opt.comms[nodename].Allreduce( [local_concats[nodename], MPI.DOUBLE], [global_concats[nodename], MPI.DOUBLE], op=MPI.SUM) # set the xbar and xsqbar in all the scenarios for k,s in opt.local_scenarios.items(): logger.debug(' top of assign xbar loop for {} on rank {}'.\ format(k, opt.cylinder_rank)) nlens = s._mpisppy_data.nlens for node in s._mpisppy_node_list: ndn = nlen = nlens[ndn] xbars = global_concats[ndn][:nlen] xsqbars = global_concats[ndn][nlen:] for i in range(nlen): s._mpisppy_model.xbars[(ndn,i)]._value = xbars[i] s._mpisppy_model.xsqbars[(ndn,i)]._value = xsqbars[i] if verbose: # and opt.cylinder_rank == 0: print ("cylinder rank, scen, node, var, xbar:", opt.cylinder_rank, k, ndn, node.nonant_vardata_list[i].name, pyo.value(s._mpisppy_model.xbars[(ndn,i)])) def _Compute_Wbar(opt, verbose=False, repair=True): """ Seldom used (mainly for diagnostics); gather Wbar for each node. Args: opt (phbase or xhat_eval object): object with the local scenarios verbose (boolean): If True, prints verbose output. repair (boolean): If True, normalize the W values so EW = 0 """ nodenames = [] # to transmit to comms local_concats = {} # keys are tree node names global_concats = {} # values are concat of xbar and xsqbar # we need to accumulate all local contributions before the reduce for k,s in opt.local_scenarios.items(): nlens = s._mpisppy_data.nlens for node in s._mpisppy_node_list: if not in nodenames: ndn = nodenames.append(ndn) mylen = nlens[ndn] local_concats[ndn] = np.zeros(mylen, dtype='d') global_concats[ndn] = np.zeros(mylen, dtype='d') # compute the local Wbar for k,s in opt.local_scenarios.items(): nlens = s._mpisppy_data.nlens for node in s._mpisppy_node_list: ndn = nlen = nlens[ndn] Wbars = local_concats[ndn][:nlen] # s._mpisppy_data.nonant_indices.keys() indexes the W Param Wnonants_array = np.fromiter((pyo.value(s._mpisppy_model.W[idx]) for idx in s._mpisppy_data.nonant_indices if idx[0] == ndn), dtype='d', count=nlen) probs = s._mpisppy_data.prob_coeff[ndn] * np.ones(nlen) Wbars += probs * Wnonants_array # compute node xbar values(reduction) for nodename in nodenames: opt.comms[nodename].Allreduce( [local_concats[nodename], MPI.DOUBLE], [global_concats[nodename], MPI.DOUBLE], op=MPI.SUM) # check the Wbar for k,s in opt.local_scenarios.items(): logger.debug(' top of Wbar loop for {} on rank {}'.\ format(k, opt.cylinder_rank)) nlens = s._mpisppy_data.nlens for node in s._mpisppy_node_list: ndn = nlen = nlens[ndn] Wbars = global_concats[ndn][:nlen] for i in range(nlen): if abs(Wbars[i]) > opt.E1_tolerance and opt.cylinder_rank == 0: print(f"EW={Wbars[i]} (should be zero) for {node.nonant_vardata_list[i].name}") if repair: print(f" repairing in {k}") s._mpisppy_model.W[(ndn,i)]._value -= Wbars[i] #======================
[docs] class PHBase(mpisppy.spopt.SPOpt): """ Base class for all PH-based algorithms. Based on mpi4py (but should run with, or without, mpi) EVERY INDEX IS ZERO-BASED! (Except stages, which are one based). Node names other than ROOT, although strings, must be a number or end in a number because mpi4py comms need a number. PH using a smart referencemodel that knows how to make its own tree nodes and just wants a trailing number in the scenario name. Assume we have only non-leaf nodes. To check for rank 0 use self.cylinder_rank == 0. Attributes: local_scenarios (dict): Dictionary mapping scenario names (strings) to scenarios (Pyomo conrete model objects). These are only the scenarios managed by the current rank (not all scenarios in the entire model). comms (dict): Dictionary mapping node names (strings) to MPI communicator objects. local_scenario_names (list): List of local scenario names (strings). Should match the keys of the local_scenarios dict. current_solver_options (dict): from options, but callbacks might Dictionary of solver options provided in options. Note that callbacks could change these options. Args: options (dict): Options for the PH algorithm. all_scenario_names (list): List of all scenario names in the model (strings). scenario_creator (callable): Function which take a scenario name (string) and returns a Pyomo Concrete model with some things attached. scenario_denouement (callable, optional): Function which does post-processing and reporting. all_nodenames (list, optional): List of all node name (strings). Can be `None` for two-stage problems. mpicomm (MPI comm, optional): MPI communicator to use between all scenarios. Default is `MPI.COMM_WORLD`. scenario_creator_kwargs (dict, optional): Keyword arguments passed to `scenario_creator`. extensions (object, optional): PH extension object. extension_kwargs (dict, optional): Keyword arguments to pass to the extensions. ph_converger (object, optional): PH converger object. rho_setter (callable, optional): Function to set rho values throughout the PH algorithm. variable_probability (callable, optional): Function to set variable specific probabilities. """ def __init__( self, options, all_scenario_names, scenario_creator, scenario_denouement=None, all_nodenames=None, mpicomm=None, scenario_creator_kwargs=None, extensions=None, extension_kwargs=None, ph_converger=None, rho_setter=None, variable_probability=None, ): """ PHBase constructor. """ super().__init__( options, all_scenario_names, scenario_creator, scenario_denouement=scenario_denouement, all_nodenames=all_nodenames, mpicomm=mpicomm, extensions=extensions, extension_kwargs=extension_kwargs, scenario_creator_kwargs=scenario_creator_kwargs, variable_probability=variable_probability, ) global_toc("Initializing PHBase") # Note that options can be manipulated from outside on-the-fly. # self.options (from super) will archive the original options. self.options = options self.options_check() self.ph_converger = ph_converger self.rho_setter = rho_setter self.iter0_solver_options = options["iter0_solver_options"] self.iterk_solver_options = options["iterk_solver_options"] self.current_solver_options = self.iter0_solver_options # flags to complete the invariant self.convobject = None # PH converger self.attach_xbars()
[docs] def Compute_Xbar(self, verbose=False): """ Gather xbar and x squared bar for each node in the list and distribute the values back to the scenarios. Args: verbose (boolean): If True, prints verbose output. """ _Compute_Xbar(self, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def Update_W(self, verbose): """ Update the dual weights during the PH algorithm. Args: verbose (bool): If True, displays verbose output during update. """ # Assumes the scenarios are up to date for k,s in self.local_scenarios.items(): for ndn_i, nonant in s._mpisppy_data.nonant_indices.items(): ##if nonant._value == None: ## print(f"***_value is None for nonant var {}") xdiff = nonant._value \ - s._mpisppy_model.xbars[ndn_i]._value s._mpisppy_model.W[ndn_i]._value += pyo.value(s._mpisppy_model.rho[ndn_i]) * xdiff if verbose and self.cylinder_rank == 0: print ("rank, node, scen, var, W", ndn_i[0], k, self.cylinder_rank,, pyo.value(s._mpisppy_model.W[ndn_i])) # Special code for variable probabilities to mask W; rarely used. if s._mpisppy_data.has_variable_probability: for ndn_i in s._mpisppy_data.nonant_indices: (lndn, li) = ndn_i s._mpisppy_model.W[ndn_i] *= s._mpisppy_data.prob0_mask[lndn][li]
[docs] def convergence_diff(self): """ Compute the convergence metric ||x_s - \\bar{x}||_1 / num_scenarios. Returns: float: The convergence metric ||x_s - \\bar{x}||_1 / num_scenarios. """ # Every scenario has its own node list, with a vardata list global_diff = np.zeros(1) local_diff = np.zeros(1) varcount = 0 for k,s in self.local_scenarios.items(): for ndn_i, nonant in s._mpisppy_data.nonant_indices.items(): xval = nonant._value xdiff = xval - s._mpisppy_model.xbars[ndn_i]._value local_diff[0] += abs(xdiff) varcount += 1 local_diff[0] /= varcount self.comms["ROOT"].Allreduce(local_diff, global_diff, op=MPI.SUM) return global_diff[0] / self.n_proc
def _populate_W_cache(self, cache, padding): """ Copy the W values for noants *for all local scenarios* Args: cache (np vector) to receive the W's for all local scenarios (for sending) NOTE: This is not the same as the nonant Vars because it puts all local W values into the same cache and the cache is *not* attached to the scenario. """ ci = 0 # Cache index for model in self.local_scenarios.values(): if (ci + len(model._mpisppy_data.nonant_indices)) >= len(cache): tlen = len(model._mpisppy_data.nonant_indices) * len(self.local_scenarios) raise RuntimeError("W cache length mismatch detected by " f"{self.__class__.__name__} that has " f"total W len {tlen} but passed cache len-1={len(cache)-1}; " f"len(nonants)={len(model._mpisppy_data.nonant_indices)}") for ix in model._mpisppy_data.nonant_indices: cache[ci] = pyo.value(model._mpisppy_model.W[ix]) ci += 1 assert(ci == len(cache) - padding) # the other cylinder will fail above
[docs] def W_from_flat_list(self, flat_list): """ Set the dual weight values (Ws) for all local scenarios from a flat list. Args: flat_list (list): One-dimensional list of dual weights. Warning: We are counting on Pyomo indices not to change order between list creation and use. """ ci = 0 # Cache index for model in self.local_scenarios.values(): for ndn_i in model._mpisppy_data.nonant_indices: model._mpisppy_model.W[ndn_i].value = flat_list[ci] ci += 1
def _use_rho_setter(self, verbose): """ set rho values using a function self.rho_setter that gives us a list of (id(vardata), rho)] """ if self.rho_setter is None: return didit = 0 skipped = 0 rho_setter_kwargs = self.options['rho_setter_kwargs'] \ if 'rho_setter_kwargs' in self.options \ else dict() for sname, scenario in self.local_scenarios.items(): rholist = self.rho_setter(scenario, **rho_setter_kwargs) for (vid, rho) in rholist: (ndn, i) = scenario._mpisppy_data.varid_to_nonant_index[vid] scenario._mpisppy_model.rho[(ndn, i)] = rho didit += len(rholist) skipped += len(scenario._mpisppy_data.varid_to_nonant_index) - didit if verbose and self.cylinder_rank == 0: print ("rho_setter set",didit,"and skipped",skipped) def _disable_prox(self): for k, scenario in self.local_scenarios.items(): scenario._mpisppy_model.prox_on = 0 def _disable_W(self): # It would be odd to disable W and not prox. # TODO: we should eliminate this method # probably not mathematically useful for scenario in self.local_scenarios.values(): scenario._mpisppy_model.W_on = 0
[docs] def disable_W_and_prox(self): self._disable_W() self._disable_prox()
def _reenable_prox(self): for k, scenario in self.local_scenarios.items(): scenario._mpisppy_model.prox_on = 1 def _reenable_W(self): # TODO: we should eliminate this method for k, scenario in self.local_scenarios.items(): scenario._mpisppy_model.W_on = 1
[docs] def reenable_W_and_prox(self): self._reenable_W() self._reenable_prox()
[docs] def post_solve_bound(self, solver_options=None, verbose=False): ''' Compute a bound Lagrangian bound using the existing weights. Args: solver_options (dict, optional): Options for these solves. verbose (boolean, optional): If True, displays verbose output. Default False. Returns: float: An outer bound on the optimal objective function value. Note: This function overwrites current variable values. This is only suitable for use at the end of the solves, or if you really know what you are doing. It is not suitable as a general, per-iteration Lagrangian bound solver. ''' if (self.cylinder_rank == 0): print('Warning: Lagrangian bounds might not be correct in certain ' 'cases where there are integers not subject to ' 'non-anticipativity and those integers do not reach integrality.') if (verbose and self.cylinder_rank == 0): print('Beginning post-solve Lagrangian bound computation') if (self.W_disabled): self._reenable_W() self._disable_prox() # Fixed variables can lead to an invalid lower bound self._restore_original_fixedness() # If dis_prox=True, they are enabled at the end, and Ebound returns # the incorrect value (unless you explicitly disable them again) self.solve_loop(solver_options=solver_options, dis_prox=False, # Important gripe=True, tee=False, verbose=verbose) bound = self.Ebound(verbose) # A half-hearted attempt to restore the state self._reenable_prox() if (verbose and self.cylinder_rank == 0): print(f'Post-solve Lagrangian bound: {bound:.4f}') return bound
[docs] def solve_loop(self, solver_options=None, use_scenarios_not_subproblems=False, dtiming=False, dis_W=False, dis_prox=False, gripe=False, disable_pyomo_signal_handling=False, tee=False, verbose=False): """ Loop over `local_subproblems` and solve them in a manner dicated by the arguments. In addition to changing the Var values in the scenarios, this function also updates the `_PySP_feas_indictor` to indicate which scenarios were feasible/infeasible. Args: solver_options (dict, optional): The scenario solver options. use_scenarios_not_subproblems (boolean, optional): If True, solves individual scenario problems, not subproblems. This distinction matters when using bundling. Default is False. dtiming (boolean, optional): If True, reports solve timing information. Default is False. dis_W (boolean, optional): If True, duals weights (Ws) are disabled before solve, then re-enabled after solve. Default is False. dis_prox (boolean, optional): If True, prox terms are disabled before solve, then re-enabled after solve. Default is False. gripe (boolean, optional): If True, output a message when a solve fails. Default is False. disable_pyomo_signal_handling (boolean, optional): True for asynchronous PH; ignored for persistent solvers. Default False. tee (boolean, optional): If True, displays solver output. Default False. verbose (boolean, optional): If True, displays verbose output. Default False. """ """ Developer notes: This function assumes that every scenario already has a `_solver_plugin` attached. I am not sure what happens with solver_options None for a persistent solver. Do options persist? set_objective takes care of W and prox changes. """ if dis_W and dis_prox: self.disable_W_and_prox() elif dis_W: self._disable_W() elif dis_prox: self._disable_prox() if self._prox_approx and (not self.prox_disabled): self._update_prox_approx() super().solve_loop(solver_options, use_scenarios_not_subproblems, dtiming, gripe, disable_pyomo_signal_handling, tee, verbose) if dis_W and dis_prox: self.reenable_W_and_prox() elif dis_W: self._reenable_W() elif dis_prox: self._reenable_prox()
def _update_prox_approx(self): """ update proximal term approximation by potentially adding a linear cut near each current xvar value NOTE: This is badly inefficient for bundles, but works """ tol = self.prox_approx_tol for sn, s in self.local_scenarios.items(): persistent_solver = (s._solver_plugin if sputils.is_persistent(s._solver_plugin) else None) #print(f"total number of proximal cuts: {len(s._mpisppy_model.xsqvar_cuts)}") for prox_approx_manager in s._mpisppy_data.xsqvar_prox_approx.values(): prox_approx_manager.check_tol_add_cut(tol, persistent_solver)
[docs] def attach_Ws_and_prox(self): """ Attach the dual and prox terms to the models in `local_scenarios`. """ for (sname, scenario) in self.local_scenarios.items(): # these are bound by index to the vardata list at the node scenario._mpisppy_model.W = pyo.Param(scenario._mpisppy_data.nonant_indices.keys(), initialize=0.0, mutable=True) # create ph objective terms, but disabled scenario._mpisppy_model.W_on = pyo.Param(initialize=0, mutable=True, within=pyo.Binary) scenario._mpisppy_model.prox_on = pyo.Param(initialize=0, mutable=True, within=pyo.Binary) # note that rho is per var and scenario here scenario._mpisppy_model.rho = pyo.Param(scenario._mpisppy_data.nonant_indices.keys(), mutable=True, default=self.options["defaultPHrho"])
@property def W_disabled(self): assert hasattr(self.local_scenarios[self.local_scenario_names[0]]._mpisppy_model, 'W_on') return not bool(self.local_scenarios[self.local_scenario_names[0]]._mpisppy_model.W_on.value) @property def prox_disabled(self): assert hasattr(self.local_scenarios[self.local_scenario_names[0]]._mpisppy_model, 'prox_on') return not bool(self.local_scenarios[self.local_scenario_names[0]]._mpisppy_model.prox_on.value)
[docs] def attach_PH_to_objective(self, add_duals, add_prox): """ Attach dual weight and prox terms to the objective function of the models in `local_scenarios`. Args: add_duals (boolean): If True, adds dual weight (Ws) to the objective. add_prox (boolean): If True, adds the prox term to the objective. """ if ('linearize_binary_proximal_terms' in self.options): lin_bin_prox = self.options['linearize_binary_proximal_terms'] else: lin_bin_prox = False if ('linearize_proximal_terms' in self.options): self._prox_approx = self.options['linearize_proximal_terms'] if 'proximal_linearization_tolerance' in self.options: self.prox_approx_tol = self.options['proximal_linearization_tolerance'] else: self.prox_approx_tol = 1.e-1 else: self._prox_approx = False for (sname, scenario) in self.local_scenarios.items(): """Attach the dual and prox terms to the objective. """ if ((not add_duals) and (not add_prox)): return objfct = self.saved_objectives[sname] is_min_problem = objfct.is_minimizing() xbars = scenario._mpisppy_model.xbars if self._prox_approx: # set-up pyomo IndexVar, but keep it sparse # since some nonants might be binary # Define the first cut to be _xsqvar >= 0 scenario._mpisppy_model.xsqvar = pyo.Var(scenario._mpisppy_data.nonant_indices, dense=False, bounds=(0, None)) scenario._mpisppy_model.xsqvar_cuts = pyo.Constraint(scenario._mpisppy_data.nonant_indices, pyo.Integers) scenario._mpisppy_data.xsqvar_prox_approx = {} else: scenario._mpisppy_model.xsqvar = None scenario._mpisppy_data.xsqvar_prox_approx = False ph_term = 0 # Dual term (weights W) if (add_duals): scenario._mpisppy_model.WExpr = pyo.Expression(expr=\ sum(scenario._mpisppy_model.W[ndn_i] * xvar \ for ndn_i, xvar in scenario._mpisppy_data.nonant_indices.items()) ) ph_term += scenario._mpisppy_model.W_on * scenario._mpisppy_model.WExpr # Prox term (quadratic) if (add_prox): prox_expr = 0. for ndn_i, xvar in scenario._mpisppy_data.nonant_indices.items(): # expand (x - xbar)**2 to (x**2 - 2*xbar*x + xbar**2) # x**2 is the only qradratic term, which might be # dealt with differently depending on user-set options if xvar.is_binary() and (lin_bin_prox or self._prox_approx): xvarsqrd = xvar elif self._prox_approx: xvarsqrd = scenario._mpisppy_model.xsqvar[ndn_i] scenario._mpisppy_data.xsqvar_prox_approx[ndn_i] = \ ProxApproxManager(xvar, xvarsqrd, xbars[ndn_i], scenario._mpisppy_model.xsqvar_cuts, ndn_i) else: xvarsqrd = xvar**2 prox_expr += (scenario._mpisppy_model.rho[ndn_i] / 2.0) * \ (xvarsqrd - 2.0 * xbars[ndn_i] * xvar + xbars[ndn_i]**2) scenario._mpisppy_model.ProxExpr = pyo.Expression(expr=prox_expr) ph_term += scenario._mpisppy_model.prox_on * scenario._mpisppy_model.ProxExpr if (is_min_problem): objfct.expr += ph_term else: objfct.expr -= ph_term
[docs] def PH_Prep( self, attach_duals=True, attach_prox=True, ): """ Set up PH objectives (duals and prox terms), and prepare extensions, if available. Args: add_duals (boolean, optional): If True, adds dual weight (Ws) to the objective. Default True. add_prox (boolean, optional): If True, adds prox terms to the objective. Default True. Note: This function constructs an Extension object if one was specified at the time the PH object was created. It also calls the `pre_iter0` method of the Extension object. """ self.attach_Ws_and_prox() self.attach_PH_to_objective(attach_duals, attach_prox)
[docs] def options_check(self): """ Check whether the options in the `options` attribute are acceptable. Required options are - solver_name (string): The name of the solver to use. - PHIterLimit (int): The maximum number of PH iterations to execute. - defaultPHrho (float): The default value of rho (penalty parameter) to use for PH. - convthresh (float): The convergence tolerance of the PH algorithm. - verbose (boolean): Flag indicating whether to display verbose output. - display_progress (boolean): Flag indicating whether to display information about the progression of the algorithm. - iter0_solver_options (dict): Dictionary of solver options to use on the first solve loop. - iterk_solver_options (dict): Dictionary of solver options to use on subsequent solve loops (after iteration 0). """ required = [ "solver_name", "PHIterLimit", "defaultPHrho", "convthresh", "verbose", "display_progress", ] self._options_check(required, self.options) # Display timing and display convergence detail are special for no good reason. if "display_timing" not in self.options: self.options["display_timing"] = False if "display_convergence_detail" not in self.options: self.options["display_convergence_detail"] = False
[docs] def Iter0(self): """ Create solvers and perform the initial PH solve (with no dual weights or prox terms). This function quits() if the scenario probabilities do not sum to one, or if any of the scenario subproblems are infeasible. It also calls the `post_iter0` method of any extensions, and uses the rho setter (if present) after the inital solve. Returns: float: The so-called "trivial bound", i.e., the objective value of the stochastic program with the nonanticipativity constraints removed. """ if (self.extensions is not None): self.extobject.pre_iter0() verbose = self.options["verbose"] dprogress = self.options["display_progress"] dtiming = self.options["display_timing"] dconvergence_detail = self.options["display_convergence_detail"] have_extensions = self.extensions is not None have_converger = self.ph_converger is not None def _vb(msg): if verbose and self.cylinder_rank == 0: print("(rank0)", msg) self._PHIter = 0 self._save_original_nonants() global_toc("Creating solvers") self._create_solvers() teeme = ("tee-rank0-solves" in self.options and self.options['tee-rank0-solves'] and self.cylinder_rank == 0 ) if self.options["verbose"]: print ("About to call PH Iter0 solve loop on rank={}".format(self.cylinder_rank)) global_toc("Entering solve loop in PHBase.Iter0") self.solve_loop(solver_options=self.current_solver_options, dtiming=dtiming, gripe=True, tee=teeme, verbose=verbose) if self.options["verbose"]: print ("PH Iter0 solve loop complete on rank={}".format(self.cylinder_rank)) self._update_E1() # Apologies for doing this after the solves... if (abs(1 - self.E1) > self.E1_tolerance): raise RuntimeError(f"Total probability of scenarios was {self.E1}; E1_tolerance = ", self.E1_tolerance) feasP = self.feas_prob() if feasP != self.E1: raise RuntimeError(f"Infeasibility detected; E_feas={feasP}, E1={self.E1}") """ with open('mpi.out-{}'.format(rank), 'w') as fd: for sname in self.local_scenario_names: fd.write('*** {} ***\n'.format(sname)) """ #global_toc('Rank: {} - Building and solving models 0th iteration'.format(rank), True) #global_toc('Rank: {} - assigning rho'.format(rank), True) if have_extensions: self.extobject.post_iter0() if self.spcomm is not None: self.spcomm.sync() if have_extensions: self.extobject.post_iter0_after_sync() if self.rho_setter is not None: if self.cylinder_rank == 0: self._use_rho_setter(verbose) else: self._use_rho_setter(False) converged = False if have_converger: # Call the constructor of the converger object self.convobject = self.ph_converger(self) #global_toc('Rank: {} - Before iter loop'.format(self.cylinder_rank), True) self.conv = None self.trivial_bound = self.Ebound(verbose) if dprogress and self.cylinder_rank == 0: print("") print("After PH Iteration",self._PHIter) print("Trivial bound =", self.trivial_bound) print("PHBase Convergence Metric =",self.conv) print("Elapsed time: %6.2f" % (time.perf_counter() - self.start_time)) if dconvergence_detail: self.report_var_values_at_rank0(header="Convergence detail:") self.reenable_W_and_prox() self.current_solver_options = self.options["iterk_solver_options"] return self.trivial_bound
[docs] def iterk_loop(self): """ Perform all PH iterations after iteration 0. This function terminates if any of the following occur: 1. The maximum number of iterations is reached. 2. The user specifies a converger, and the `is_converged()` method of that converger returns True. 3. The hub tells it to terminate. 4. The user does not specify a converger, and the default convergence criteria are met (i.e. the convergence value falls below the user-specified threshold). Args: None """ verbose = self.options["verbose"] have_extensions = self.extensions is not None have_converger = self.ph_converger is not None dprogress = self.options["display_progress"] dtiming = self.options["display_timing"] dconvergence_detail = self.options["display_convergence_detail"] self.conv = None max_iterations = int(self.options["PHIterLimit"]) for self._PHIter in range(1, max_iterations+1): iteration_start_time = time.time() if dprogress: global_toc(f"\nInitiating PH Iteration {self._PHIter}\n", self.cylinder_rank == 0) # Compute xbar #global_toc('Rank: {} - Before Compute_Xbar'.format(self.cylinder_rank), True) self.Compute_Xbar(verbose) #global_toc('Rank: {} - After Compute_Xbar'.format(self.cylinder_rank), True) # update the weights self.Update_W(verbose) #global_toc('Rank: {} - After Update_W'.format(self.cylinder_rank), True) self.conv = self.convergence_diff() #global_toc('Rank: {} - After convergence_diff'.format(self.cylinder_rank), True) if have_extensions: self.extobject.miditer() # The hub object takes precedence # over the converger, such that # the spokes will always have the # latest data, even at termination if have_converger: if self.convobject.is_converged(): converged = True global_toc("User-supplied converger determined termination criterion reached", self.cylinder_rank == 0) break elif self.conv is not None: if self.conv < self.options["convthresh"]: converged = True global_toc("Convergence metric=%f dropped below user-supplied threshold=%f" % (self.conv, self.options["convthresh"]), self.cylinder_rank == 0) break teeme = ( "tee-rank0-solves" in self.options and self.options["tee-rank0-solves"] and self.cylinder_rank == 0 ) self.solve_loop( solver_options=self.current_solver_options, dtiming=dtiming, gripe=True, disable_pyomo_signal_handling=False, tee=teeme, verbose=verbose ) if have_extensions: self.extobject.enditer() if self.spcomm is not None: self.spcomm.sync() if self.spcomm.is_converged(): global_toc("Cylinder convergence", self.cylinder_rank == 0) break if have_extensions: self.extobject.enditer_after_sync() if dprogress and self.cylinder_rank == 0: print("") print("After PH Iteration",self._PHIter) print("Scaled PHBase Convergence Metric=",self.conv) print("Iteration time: %6.2f" % (time.time() - iteration_start_time)) print("Elapsed time: %6.2f" % (time.perf_counter() - self.start_time)) if dconvergence_detail: self.report_var_values_at_rank0(header="Convergence detail:") else: # no break, (self._PHIter == max_iterations) # NOTE: If we return for any other reason things are reasonably in-sync. # due to the convergence check. However, here we return we'll be # out-of-sync because of the solve_loop could take vasty different # times on different threads. This can especially mess up finalization. # As a guard, we'll put a barrier here. self.mpicomm.Barrier() global_toc("Reached user-specified limit=%d on number of PH iterations" % max_iterations, self.cylinder_rank == 0)
[docs] def post_loops(self, extensions=None): """ Call scenario denouement methods, and report the expected objective value. Args: extensions (object, optional): PH extension object. Returns: float: Pretty useless weighted, proxed objective value. """ verbose = self.options["verbose"] have_extensions = extensions is not None dprogress = self.options["display_progress"] dtiming = self.options["display_timing"] # for reporting sanity self.mpicomm.Barrier() if self.cylinder_rank == 0 and dprogress: print("") print("Invoking scenario reporting functions, if applicable") print("") if self.scenario_denouement is not None: for sname,s in self.local_scenarios.items(): self.scenario_denouement(self.cylinder_rank, sname, s) self.mpicomm.Barrier() if self.cylinder_rank == 0 and dprogress: print("") print("Invoking PH extension finalization, if applicable") print("") if have_extensions: self.extobject.post_everything() if self.ph_converger is not None and hasattr(self.ph_converger, 'post_everything'): self.convobject.post_everything() Eobj = self.Eobjective(verbose) self.mpicomm.Barrier() if dprogress and self.cylinder_rank == 0: print("") print("Current ***weighted*** E[objective] =", Eobj) print("") if dtiming and self.cylinder_rank == 0: print("") print("Cumulative execution time=%5.2f" % (time.perf_counter()-self.start_time)) print("") return Eobj
[docs] def attach_xbars(self): """ Attach xbar and xbar^2 Pyomo parameters to each model in `local_scenarios`. """ for scenario in self.local_scenarios.values(): scenario._mpisppy_model.xbars = pyo.Param( scenario._mpisppy_data.nonant_indices.keys(), initialize=0.0, mutable=True ) scenario._mpisppy_model.xsqbars = pyo.Param( scenario._mpisppy_data.nonant_indices.keys(), initialize=0.0, mutable=True )
if __name__ == "__main__": print ("No main for PHBase")