Source code for mpisppy.cylinders.spoke

# Copyright 2020 by B. Knueven, D. Mildebrath, C. Muir, J-P Watson, and D.L. Woodruff
# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
import numpy as np
import abc
import enum
import logging
import time
import os
import math

import mpisppy.utils.sputils as sputils

from pyomo.environ import ComponentMap, Var
from mpisppy import MPI
from mpisppy.cylinders.spcommunicator import SPCommunicator, communicator_array

[docs] class ConvergerSpokeType(enum.Enum): OUTER_BOUND = 1 INNER_BOUND = 2 W_GETTER = 3 NONANT_GETTER = 4
[docs] class Spoke(SPCommunicator): def __init__(self, spbase_object, fullcomm, strata_comm, cylinder_comm, options=None): super().__init__(spbase_object, fullcomm, strata_comm, cylinder_comm, options) self.local_write_id = 0 self.remote_write_id = 0 self.local_length = 0 # Does NOT include the + 1 self.remote_length = 0 # Length on hub; does NOT include + 1 self.last_call_to_got_kill_signal = time.time() def _make_windows(self, local_length, remote_length): # Spokes notify the hub of the buffer sizes pair_of_lengths = np.array([local_length, remote_length], dtype="i") self.strata_comm.Send((pair_of_lengths, MPI.INT), dest=0, tag=self.strata_rank) self.local_length = local_length self.remote_length = remote_length # Make the windows of the appropriate buffer sizes # To do?: Spoke should not need to know how many other spokes there are. # Just call a single _make_window()? Do you need to create empty # windows? # ANSWER (dlw July 2020): Since the windows have zero length and since # the number of spokes is not expected to be large, it is probably OK. # The (minor) benefit is that free_windows does not need to know if it # was called by a hub or a spoke. If we ever move to dynamic spoke # creation, then this needs to be reimagined. = [None for _ in range(self.n_spokes)] self.buffers = [None for _ in range(self.n_spokes)] for i in range(self.n_spokes): length = self.local_length if self.strata_rank == i + 1 else 0 win, buff = self._make_window(length)[i] = win self.buffers[i] = buff self._windows_constructed = True
[docs] def spoke_to_hub(self, values): """ Put the specified values into the locally-owned buffer for the hub to pick up. Notes: This automatically does the -1 indexing This assumes that values contains a slot at the end for the write_id """ expected_length = self.local_length + 1 if len(values) != expected_length: raise RuntimeError( f"Attempting to put array of length {len(values)} " f"into local buffer of length {expected_length}" ) self.cylinder_comm.Barrier() self.local_write_id += 1 values[-1] = self.local_write_id window =[self.strata_rank - 1] window.Lock(self.strata_rank) window.Put((values, len(values), MPI.DOUBLE), self.strata_rank) window.Unlock(self.strata_rank)
[docs] def spoke_from_hub(self, values): """ """ expected_length = self.remote_length + 1 if len(values) != expected_length: raise RuntimeError( f"Spoke trying to get buffer of length {expected_length} " f"from hub, but provided buffer has length {len(values)}." ) self.cylinder_comm.Barrier() window =[self.strata_rank - 1] window.Lock(0) window.Get((values, len(values), MPI.DOUBLE), 0) window.Unlock(0) new_id = int(values[-1]) local_val = np.array((new_id,-new_id), 'i') max_min_ids = np.zeros(2, 'i') self.cylinder_comm.Allreduce((local_val, MPI.INT), (max_min_ids, MPI.INT), op=MPI.MAX) max_id = max_min_ids[0] min_id = -max_min_ids[1] # NOTE: we only proceed if all the ranks agree # on the ID if max_id != min_id: return False assert max_id == min_id == new_id if (new_id > self.remote_write_id) or (new_id < 0): self.remote_write_id = new_id return True return False
[docs] def got_kill_signal(self): """ Spoke should call this method at least every iteration to see if the Hub terminated """ return self._got_kill_signal()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def main(self): """ The main call for the Spoke. Derived classe should call the got_kill_signal method regularly to ensure all ranks terminate with the Hub. """ pass
[docs] def get_serial_number(self): return self.remote_write_id
@abc.abstractmethod def _got_kill_signal(self): """ Every spoke needs a way to get the signal to terminate from the hub """ pass
class _BoundSpoke(Spoke): """ A base class for bound spokes """ def __init__(self, spbase_object, fullcomm, strata_comm, cylinder_comm, options=None): super().__init__(spbase_object, fullcomm, strata_comm, cylinder_comm, options) if self.cylinder_rank == 0 and \ 'trace_prefix' in spbase_object.options and \ spbase_object.options['trace_prefix'] is not None: trace_prefix = spbase_object.options['trace_prefix'] filen = trace_prefix+self.__class__.__name__+'.csv' if os.path.exists(filen): raise RuntimeError(f"Spoke trace file {filen} already exists!") with open(filen, 'w') as f: f.write("time,bound\n") self.trace_filen = filen self.start_time = spbase_object.start_time else: self.trace_filen = None self._new_locals = False self._bound = None self._locals = None def make_windows(self): """ Makes the bound window and a remote window to look for a kill signal """ self._make_windows(1, 2) # kill signals are accounted for in _make_window self._bound = communicator_array(1) # spoke bound + kill signal self._locals = communicator_array(2) # hub outer/inner bounds and kill signal @property def bound(self): return self._bound[0] @bound.setter def bound(self, value): self._append_trace(value) self._bound[0] = value self.spoke_to_hub(self._bound) @property def hub_inner_bound(self): """Returns the local copy of the inner bound from the hub""" return self._locals[-2] @property def hub_outer_bound(self): """Returns the local copy of the outer bound from the hub""" return self._locals[-3] def _got_kill_signal(self): """Looks for the kill signal and returns True if sent""" self._new_locals = self.spoke_from_hub(self._locals) return self.remote_write_id == -1 def _append_trace(self, value): if self.cylinder_rank != 0 or self.trace_filen is None: return with open(self.trace_filen, 'a') as f: f.write(f"{time.perf_counter()-self.start_time},{value}\n") class _BoundNonantLenSpoke(_BoundSpoke): """ A base class for bound spokes which also want something of len nonants from OPT """ def make_windows(self): """ Makes the bound window and with a remote buffer long enough to hold an array as long as the nonants. Input: opt (SPBase): Must have local_scenarios attached already! """ if not hasattr(self.opt, "local_scenarios"): raise RuntimeError("Provided SPBase object does not have local_scenarios attribute") if len(self.opt.local_scenarios) == 0: raise RuntimeError(f"Rank has zero local_scenarios") vbuflen = 2 for s in self.opt.local_scenarios.values(): vbuflen += len(s._mpisppy_data.nonant_indices) self._make_windows(1, vbuflen) self._bound = communicator_array(1) self._locals = communicator_array(vbuflen)
[docs] class InnerBoundSpoke(_BoundSpoke): """ For Spokes that provide an inner bound through self.bound to the Hub, and do not need information from the main PH OPT hub. """ converger_spoke_types = (ConvergerSpokeType.INNER_BOUND,) converger_spoke_char = 'I'
[docs] class OuterBoundSpoke(_BoundSpoke): """ For Spokes that provide an outer bound through self.bound to the Hub, and do not need information from the main PH OPT hub. """ converger_spoke_types = (ConvergerSpokeType.OUTER_BOUND,) converger_spoke_char = 'O'
class _BoundWSpoke(_BoundNonantLenSpoke): """ A base class for bound spokes which also want the W's from the OPT threads """ @property def localWs(self): """Returns the local copy of the weights""" return self._locals[:-3] # -3 for the bounds and kill signal @property def new_Ws(self): """ Returns True if the local copy of the weights has been updated since the last call to got_kill_signal """ return self._new_locals
[docs] class OuterBoundWSpoke(_BoundWSpoke): """ For Spokes that provide an outer bound through self.bound to the Hub, and receive the Ws (or weights) from the main PH OPT hub. """ converger_spoke_types = ( ConvergerSpokeType.OUTER_BOUND, ConvergerSpokeType.W_GETTER, ) converger_spoke_char = 'O'
class _BoundNonantSpoke(_BoundNonantLenSpoke): """ A base class for bound spokes which also want the xhat's from the OPT threads """ @property def localnonants(self): """Returns the local copy of the nonants""" return self._locals[:-3] @property def new_nonants(self): """Returns True if the local copy of the nonants has been updated since the last call to got_kill_signal""" return self._new_locals
[docs] class InnerBoundNonantSpoke(_BoundNonantSpoke): """ For Spokes that provide an inner (incumbent) bound through self.bound to the Hub, and receive the nonants from the main SPOpt hub. Includes some helpful methods for saving and restoring results """ converger_spoke_types = ( ConvergerSpokeType.INNER_BOUND, ConvergerSpokeType.NONANT_GETTER, ) converger_spoke_char = 'I' def __init__(self, spbase_object, fullcomm, strata_comm, cylinder_comm, options=None): super().__init__(spbase_object, fullcomm, strata_comm, cylinder_comm, options) self.is_minimizing = self.opt.is_minimizing self.best_inner_bound = math.inf if self.is_minimizing else -math.inf self.solver_options = None # can be overwritten by derived classes # set up best solution cache for k,s in self.opt.local_scenarios.items(): s._mpisppy_data.best_solution_cache = None
[docs] def update_if_improving(self, candidate_inner_bound): if candidate_inner_bound is None: return False update = (candidate_inner_bound < self.best_inner_bound) \ if self.is_minimizing else \ (self.best_inner_bound < candidate_inner_bound) if not update: return False self.best_inner_bound = candidate_inner_bound # send to hub self.bound = candidate_inner_bound self._cache_best_solution() return True
[docs] def finalize(self): for k,s in self.opt.local_scenarios.items(): if s._mpisppy_data.best_solution_cache is None: return None for var, value in s._mpisppy_data.best_solution_cache.items(): var.set_value(value, skip_validation=True) self.opt.first_stage_solution_available = True self.opt.tree_solution_available = True self.final_bound = self.bound return self.final_bound
def _cache_best_solution(self): for k,s in self.opt.local_scenarios.items(): scenario_cache = ComponentMap() for var in s.component_data_objects(Var): scenario_cache[var] = var.value s._mpisppy_data.best_solution_cache = scenario_cache
[docs] class OuterBoundNonantSpoke(_BoundNonantSpoke): """ For Spokes that provide an outer bound through self.bound to the Hub, and receive the nonants from the main OPT hub. """ converger_spoke_types = ( ConvergerSpokeType.OUTER_BOUND, ConvergerSpokeType.NONANT_GETTER, ) converger_spoke_char = 'A' # probably Lagrangian