Source code for mpisppy.utils.pysp_model.pysp_model

# Copyright 2020 by B. Knueven, D. Mildebrath, C. Muir, J-P Watson, and D.L. Woodruff
# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
import logging

import pyomo.environ as pyo

from mpisppy.scenario_tree import ScenarioNode as mpisppyScenarioNode
from .instance_factory import ScenarioTreeInstanceFactory

logger = logging.getLogger("mpisppy.utils.pysp_model")

def _get_cost_expression(model, cost_variable):
    return model.find_component(cost_variable[0])[cost_variable[1]]

def _yeild_componentdata_from_indexlist(component, index_list):
    for index in index_list:
        if type(index) is tuple:
            indices = tuple(idx if idx != '*' else slice(None) for idx in index)
            yield from component.__getitem__(indices)
        elif index == '*' or index == '':
            yield from component.values()
            yield component.__getitem__(index)

def _get_nonant_list_from_templates(model, templates):
    nonant_list = []
    for name, index_list in templates.items():
        component = model.find_component(name)
        if isinstance(component, pyo.Var):
            for vardata in _yeild_componentdata_from_indexlist(component, index_list):
        elif isinstance(component, pyo.Block):
            for blockdata in _yeild_componentdata_from_indexlist(component, index_list):
                for vardata in blockdata.component_data_objects(ctype=pyo.Var, active=True, descend_into=True):
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot extract non-anticipative variables from component {}")
    return nonant_list

def _get_nonant_list(model, pysp_node):
    return _get_nonant_list_from_templates(model, {**pysp_node.stage._variable_templates, **pysp_node._variable_templates})

def _get_derived_nonant_list(model, pysp_node):
    return _get_nonant_list_from_templates(model, {**pysp_node.stage._derived_variable_templates, **pysp_node._derived_variable_templates})

def _get_nodenames(root_node):
    root_node._mpisppy_stage = 1
    root_node._mpisppy_name = "ROOT"
    root_node._mpisppy_parent_name = None
    nodenames = ["ROOT"]
    _add_next_stage(root_node, nodenames)
    return nodenames

def _add_next_stage(node, nodenames):
    for idx, child in enumerate(node.children):
        child._mpisppy_name = node._mpisppy_name + f"_{idx}"
        child._mpisppy_stage = node._mpisppy_stage + 1
        child._mpisppy_parent_name = node._mpisppy_name
        _add_next_stage(child, nodenames)

[docs] class PySPModel: """A class for instantiating PySP models for use in mpisppy. Args: model: The reference scenario model. Can be set to Pyomo model or the name of a file containing a Pyomo model. For historical reasons, this argument can also be set to a directory name where it is assumed a file named exists. scenario_tree: The scenario tree. Can be set to a Pyomo model, a file containing a Pyomo model, or a .dat file containing data for an abstract scenario tree model representation, which defines the structure of the scenario tree. It can also be a .py file that contains a networkx scenario tree or a networkx scenario tree object. For historical reasons, this argument can also be set to a directory name where it is assumed a file named ScenarioStructure.dat exists. data_dir: Directory containing .dat files necessary for building the scenario instances associated with the scenario tree. This argument is required if no directory information can be extracted from the first two arguments and the reference model is an abstract Pyomo model. Otherwise, it is not required or the location will be inferred from the scenario tree location (first) or from the reference model location (second), where it is assumed the data files reside in the same directory. Properties: all_scenario_names (list): A list of scenario names based on the pysp model for use in mpisppy all_node_names (list): A list of all node names based on the pysp model for use in mpisppy scenario_creator (fct): A scenario creator function based on the pysp model for use in mpisppy scenario_denouement (fct): A blank scenario_denouement function for use in mpisppy """ def __init__(self, model, scenario_tree, data_dir=None): self._scenario_tree_instance_factory = \ ScenarioTreeInstanceFactory(model, scenario_tree, data=data_dir) self._pysp_scenario_tree = self._scenario_tree_instance_factory.generate_scenario_tree() ## get the things out of the tree model we need self._all_scenario_names = [ for s in self._pysp_scenario_tree.scenarios] ## check for more than two stages ## gripe if we see bundles if self._pysp_scenario_tree.bundles: logger.warning("Bundles are ignored in PySPModel") self._all_nodenames = _get_nodenames(self._pysp_scenario_tree.findRootNode())
[docs] def scenario_creator_callback(self, scenario_name, **kwargs): ## fist, get the model out model = self._scenario_tree_instance_factory.construct_scenario_instance( scenario_name, self._pysp_scenario_tree) tree_scenario = self._pysp_scenario_tree.get_scenario(scenario_name) non_leaf_nodes = tree_scenario.node_list[:-1] for node in non_leaf_nodes: if node.is_leaf_node(): raise Exception("Unexpected leaf node") node._mpisppy_cost_expression = _get_cost_expression(model, node._cost_variable) node._mpisppy_nonant_list = _get_nonant_list(model, node) node._mpisppy_nonant_ef_suppl_list = _get_derived_nonant_list(model, node) ## add the things mpisppy expects to the model model._mpisppy_probability = tree_scenario.probability model._mpisppy_node_list = [mpisppyScenarioNode( name=node._mpisppy_name, cond_prob=node.conditional_probability, stage=node._mpisppy_stage, cost_expression=node._mpisppy_cost_expression, nonant_list=node._mpisppy_nonant_list, scen_model=None, nonant_ef_suppl_list=node._mpisppy_nonant_ef_suppl_list, parent_name=node._mpisppy_parent_name, ) for node in non_leaf_nodes ] for _ in model.component_data_objects(pyo.Objective, active=True, descend_into=True): break else: # no break print("Provided model has no objective; using PySP auto-generated objective") # attach PySP objective leaf_node = tree_scenario.node_list[-1] leaf_node._mpisppy_cost_expression = _get_cost_expression(model, leaf_node._cost_variable) if hasattr(model, "_PySPModel_objective"): raise RuntimeError("provided model has attribute _PySPModel_objective") model._PySPModel_objective = pyo.Objective(expr=\ pyo.quicksum(node._mpisppy_cost_expression for node in tree_scenario.node_list)) return model
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.close()
[docs] def close(self): self._scenario_tree_instance_factory.close()
@property def scenario_creator(self): return lambda *args,**kwargs : self.scenario_creator_callback(*args,**kwargs) @property def all_scenario_names(self): return self._all_scenario_names @property def all_nodenames(self): return self._all_nodenames @property def scenario_denouement(self): return lambda *args,**kwargs: None