Source code for

# Copyright 2020 by B. Knueven, D. Mildebrath, C. Muir, J-P Watson, and D.L. Woodruff
# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
# PH-specific code

import mpisppy.phbase
import shutil
import mpisppy.MPI as mpi

# decorator snarfed from stack overflow - allows per-rank profile output file generation.
[docs] def profile(filename=None, comm=mpi.COMM_WORLD): pass
fullcomm = mpi.COMM_WORLD global_rank = fullcomm.Get_rank() ############################################################################
[docs] class PH(mpisppy.phbase.PHBase): """ PH. See PHBase for list of args. """ #====================================================================== # uncomment the line below to get per-rank profile outputs, which can # be examined with snakeviz (or your favorite profile output analyzer) #@profile(filename="profile_out")
[docs] def ph_main(self, finalize=True): """ Execute the PH algorithm. Args: finalize (bool, optional, default=True): If True, call `PH.post_loops()`, if False, do not, and return None for Eobj Returns: tuple: Tuple containing conv (float): The convergence value (not easily interpretable). Eobj (float or `None`): If `finalize=True`, this is the expected, weighted objective value with the proximal term included. This value is not directly useful. If `finalize=False`, this value is `None`. trivial_bound (float): The "trivial bound", computed by solving the model with no nonanticipativity constraints (immediately after iter 0). NOTE: You need an xhat finder either in denoument or in an extension. """ verbose = self.options['verbose'] self.PH_Prep() # Why is subproblem_creation() not called in PH_Prep? Answer: xhat_eval. self.subproblem_creation(verbose) if (verbose): print('Calling PH Iter0 on global rank {}'.format(global_rank)) trivial_bound = self.Iter0() if (verbose): print ('Completed PH Iter0 on global rank {}'.format(global_rank)) if ('asynchronousPH' in self.options) and (self.options['asynchronousPH']): raise RuntimeError("asynchronousPH is deprecated; use APH") self.iterk_loop() if finalize: Eobj = self.post_loops(self.extensions) else: Eobj = None return self.conv, Eobj, trivial_bound
if __name__ == "__main__": #============================== # hardwired by dlw for debugging import mpisppy.tests.examples.farmer as refmodel import mpisppy.utils.sputils as sputils PHopt = {} PHopt["asynchronousPH"] = False PHopt["solver_name"] = "cplex" PHopt["PHIterLimit"] = 5 PHopt["defaultPHrho"] = 1 PHopt["convthresh"] = 0.001 PHopt["verbose"] = True PHopt["display_timing"] = True PHopt["display_progress"] = True # one way to set up options (never mind that this is not a MIP) PHopt["iter0_solver_options"]\ = sputils.option_string_to_dict("mipgap=0.01") # another way PHopt["iterk_solver_options"] = {"mipgap": 0.001} ScenCount = 50 all_scenario_names = ['scen' + str(i) for i in range(ScenCount)] # end hardwire scenario_creator = refmodel.scenario_creator scenario_denouement = refmodel.scenario_denouement # now test extensions and convergers together. # NOTE that the options is a reference, # so you could have changed PHopt instead. PHopt["PHIterLimit"] = 5 # the converger will probably stop it. PHopt["asynchronousPH"] = False from mpisppy.extensions.xhatlooper import XhatLooper from mpisppy.convergers.fracintsnotconv import FractionalConverger PHopt["xhat_looper_options"] = {"xhat_solver_options":\ PHopt["iterk_solver_options"], "scen_limit": 3, "csvname": "looper.csv"} ph = PH(PHopt, all_scenario_names, scenario_creator, scenario_denouement, extensions=XhatLooper, ph_converger=FractionalConverger, rho_setter=None) conv, obj, bnd = ph.ph_main() print ("Quitting Early.") quit() from mpisppy.extensions.diagnoser import Diagnoser # now test whatever is new ph = PH(PHopt, all_scenario_names, scenario_creator, scenario_denouement, extensions=Diagnoser, ph_converger=None, rho_setter=None) ph.options["PHIterLimit"] = 3 if global_rank == 0: try: shutil.rmtree("delme_diagdir") print ("...deleted delme_diagdir") except: pass ph.options["diagnoser_options"] = {"diagnoser_outdir": "delme_diagdir"} conv, obj, bnd = ph.ph_main() import mpisppy.extensions.avgminmaxer as minmax_extension from mpisppy.extensions.avgminmaxer import MinMaxAvg ph = PH(PHopt, all_scenario_names, scenario_creator, scenario_denouement, extensions=MinMaxAvg, ph_converger=None, rho_setter=None) ph.options["avgminmax_name"] = "FirstStageCost" ph.options["PHIterLimit"] = 3 conv, obj, bnd = ph.ph_main() # trying asynchronous operation PHopt["asynchronousPH"] = True PHopt["async_frac_needed"] = 0.5 PHopt["async_sleep_secs"] = 1 ph = PH(PHopt, all_scenario_names, scenario_creator, scenario_denouement) conv, obj, bnd = ph.ph_main() if global_rank == 0: print ("E[obj] for converged solution (probably NOT non-anticipative)", obj) dopts = sputils.option_string_to_dict("mipgap=0.001") objbound = ph.post_solve_bound(solver_options=dopts, verbose=False) if global_rank == 0: print ("**** Lagrangian objective function bound=",objbound) print ("(probably converged way too early, BTW)")